Supporting Culture in our Community
Columbus Historical Preservation Trust is proud to host a variety of events throughout the year to encourage fun and fellowship within the community. Whether it’s a family-friendly movie night, presentation about local history, grand gala, or the annual dinner theater presentation, CHPT events are a wonderful way to make new memories or experience new things. CHPT events are open to the public and all are welcomed to attend.
Magnolia Belle Orientation

CHPT invites all young ladies in grades 9-12 (including incoming freshmen) who attend Columbus High School or live within the Columbus ISD boundaries and are enrolled in a recognized educational program to attend the Magnolia Belle Orientation at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 25, 2025, at the Stafford Opera House.
Participants will learn the history of the program, the requirements to be a Magnolia Belle, as well as important pieces of Columbus’ history. Scholarship opportunities available for Magnolia Belles will also be discussed. Parents are welcome to attend.
2025 Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the members of Columbus Historical Preservation Trust will be held on Wednesday, February 5, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. in the Buddy Rau Memorial Meeting Room of the Stafford Opera House (425 Spring St, Columbus). All matters pertinent to the organization will be discussed, and new Directors will be elected. Immediately following the Annual Meeting, the Board of Directors will meet to conduct their regular monthly meeting and elect Officers.
We are excited to share information regarding old projects completed and new projects planned for the betterment of our organization and community.